17 things I’ve Learnt in 17 Years.

Blogging, Life

Hello lovelies, 


It has been a week on Thursday since I turned eighteen and my five year old self is screaming inside that I have actually been on this planet for that long?! I still feel about 12 and I still enjoy doing kid stuff and that’s alright but some people think you need to mature way too much – your an adolescent until you turn nineteen, not an adult! Anyway, the reason why I wanted to write this post was for me to look back at what sort of things my not so distant seventeen year old self thought about life and I hope to update every single year as I believe you never stop learning till you pass. Each paragraph is going to be one different thing I’ve learned in my life so far, enjoy..


  1. Don’t care what others think about you. Let yourself flourish in your own way and don’t try and keep up with others for the sake of it. Control your life yourself, if someone doesn’t like the way you act, dress and talk, then don’t let them wander into your life and cause mayhem. If you can concur this, trust me gal, the world is your oyster and you can enjoy so much more.
  2. Make friends with people who trust and respect you for who you are. Don’t change yourself to please people, don’t try to be the popular kid and don’t waste your time on fake friends, it is just not worth it. Be unique, be an individual, be good at something that no one else can do, and most of all be loyal and kind – then you’ll see a true friendship emerge. A friendship may last a whole year, a whole 7 years, or just a week but it is important to realise that friendships come and go, so don’t try and save one that will not last.
  3. Every girl is beautiful. She might tell herself otherwise, but she has no less beauty than another girl sitting right beside her. Your beautiful whatever race, ethnicity, religion, culture, background you may be, so stop scrutinising yourself over little things no one else notices.
  4. Appreciate the things in which you are unable to control. Admire how the sunsets, the animals, the plants, the waves, the stars and the moon illustrate the beauty in everyday things. 
  5. It is alright for things to go wrong. When the gingerbread house you spent the last hour perfecting falls apart, it may seem like this world is ending, it isn’t. 
  6. Those that may live half the world away, may be the ones you miss the most in your life. Remember the good times you had with them, it may have only been 10 days on a cruise ship but they are such vivid memories that I have. Long distance friendships will always gravitate back towards you and you will meet again one day.
  7. Go to concerts. Sing till your hearts content and unite through music and remember that your all in that arena for the same purpose. 
  8. Listen to the elderly. Your nan may be the most knowledgeable person you know, you just haven’t spoken to her about her past experiences. Without them I feel the younger generation will lose touch with who humanities once was.
  9. Do not ever grow up. Do the things you loved to do when you were a small innocent child, try and feel like you have no responsibilities and be free. Your never too old for anything and that’s where people assume wrong. 
  10. Question if you are unsure. Don’t ever feel that a question may seem obvious or stupid, it’s always better to know than to wonder. Show empathy through questioning, if someone knows you are trying to understand them they are likely to do the same in return. 
  11. Be proud of people who you care about. If someone you know is succeeding or improving at something praise them. 
  12. Always go with your gut, it is usually right and what may seem like the weirdest thing to do may turn into the most incredible thing you have done. 
  13. Take photos of moments that may not seem precious, these are what you will be able to look back on and laugh at. After all they may only happen once. 
  14. Do charity stuff. Not to feel better about yourself but to know you have made a small but mighty difference. Giving to someone less fortunate than yourself will make you so much more aware of what many take for granted.
  15. Do not overthink. I repeat, do not overthink. It just makes everything seem a hundred times worse than it could possibly be. 
  16. Cherish your family members. They are the people that have followed your life from the day you were born and they are the people that will undoubtedly be invited to all your occasions and everything that happens in between. No matter who you have family stick around so let them know how much they mean to you whilst you still have the chance to.
  17. Learning will never end. Your views, opinions and perceptions can change but what you learn will keep expanding in ways you wouldn’t imagine. Great things take time so always dream, however big that may be.









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